Asset Condition Survey Management

Ensuring a compliant asset not a financial liability

What are Asset Condition and Compliance Surveys?

An asset condition and compliance survey is a comprehensive evaluation of the physical state and regulatory compliance of an asset or property. The survey aims to provide an objective and detailed assessment of the asset’s condition, identifying any deficiencies or areas of non-compliance that may require remediation.

The survey typically involves a thorough inspection of the property, including its building systems, structures, and site features. The survey team may use various tools and techniques to evaluate the condition of the asset, such as visual inspections, non-destructive testing, and environmental performance testing.

In addition to assessing the physical condition of the asset, the survey will also review the property’s compliance with relevant regulations, standards, and codes, as well as the contractual requirements and service standards of the PFI Agreement.

We support our public sector clients with a bespoke asset condition and compliance survey specification designed and administered specifically for public sector contracts. Known as the Centre of Best Practice (CoBP) Survey Specification, it can be used to deliver a detailed analysis of current asset condition and compliance in preparation of either construction latent defect liabilities or PFI contract expiry and handback. The results of the surveys also provide a sound understanding for managing the risks associated with PFI contract expiry in accordance with the IPA guidance.

Survey process overview

The surveys establish if there are any deficiencies in asset condition, base data information, and delivery of the required environmental parameters. A fourth optional element is the appointment of a Fire Safety Engineer to review the fire strategy and evaluate fire safety compliance.

We will manage these processes ensuring the surveys are completed in accordance with the CoBP specification and will complete a detailed analysis of the survey reports. We can also support your organisation in managing the process for the completion of remedial tasks ensuring all works are undertaken and completed in accordance with Statutory Compliance, Good Industry Practice and in line with Project Standards.

The survey scope comprises a comprehensive review of the Project Agreement, Construction Requirements and Project Co Proposals. A detailed assessment is undertaken to evaluate if the service providers are delivering on their contractual commitments, and to measure the standard of maintenance and compliance in accordance with the Contractual Standards. Completing a CoBP survey in advance of contract expiry, will avoid exposing the public sector organisations to possible future service delivery disruptions due to asset failure, and potential high-cost financial liabilities at handback.

Survey Elements


A comprehensive asset and condition appraisal of 100% of all internal and external assets on a room by room or area basis, inclusive of internal and external building fabric, plant, equipment, mechanical and electrical systems safety, client construction requirements and overall appearance.


Compliance assessment of all assets, maintenance regimes, estates data and records, CAFM, schedule of planned maintenance, asset register, staff training, and compliance with the project agreement and statutory/regulatory compliance.

The Importance of Asset Condition and Compliance Surveys in PFI Contracts

Asset condition and compliance surveys play a crucial role in Public Finance Initiative (PFI) contracts. These surveys provide an objective assessment of the physical condition and regulatory compliance of assets, identifying areas that require remediation. By evaluating building systems, structures, and site features, these surveys ensure compliance with relevant regulations, contractual requirements, and service standards. Our bespoke Centre of Best Practice (CoBP) Survey Specification, designed for the public sector, enables a detailed analysis of asset condition and compliance, mitigating financial liabilities and managing risks associated with PFI contract expiry.

The Process and Benefits of Asset Condition and Compliance Surveys in PFI Contracts

Asset condition and compliance surveys involve a comprehensive review of project agreements, construction requirements, and project co proposals. These surveys assess service providers’ contractual commitments, maintenance standards, and compliance with contractual and statutory obligations. By conducting these surveys in advance of contract expiry, public sector organizations can prevent service disruptions and financial liabilities due to asset failures. Our experienced team manages the survey process, analyses survey reports, and ensures compliance with statutory requirements, project standards, and good industry practices. All costs associated with surveys and remedial works are borne by the Project Co, offering cost-effective support to the public sector.

Environmental Validation

Evaluating the environmental use parameters, measuring space temperatures, ventilation air change rates, surface temperatures, water temperatures, room acoustics, lighting levels which are measured against the room data sheet information to ensure the environment is safe and fit for purpose.



Review of statutory fire compliance in accordance with fire regulations, evaluating the fire strategy, fire compartmentation, fire doors, fire dampers, cavity barriers, façade cladding, escape routes, travel distances to escape routes, refuge points, hazard rooms, ventilation and smoke control systems, service penetrations, alarm and detection systems and sample testing where there is reasonable cause to suspect non-compliance.


How can we help?

We support our clients from project inception to completion providing industry leading expertise, guidance, robust project management and act as informed clients, ensuring outcomes and results are delivered. We guide the scoping and procuring of surveys, appointing leading building surveyors through either a joint appointment with private sector service providers, or sole appointments awarded directly by client organisations. In most cases, the costs of the surveys and any associated remediation works, are borne wholly by the Project Co at no cost to the Public Sector.


Our experience

Our Asset Condition and Compliance Team has a comprehensive wealth of knowledge and experience in estate asset management with our own RICS qualified survey project managers, senior public sector Estates and Facilities leaders, PFI contract professionals and building engineers. This combination of sector experience makes us uniquely placed to support all facets of the survey process.

For a comprehensive range of condition survey services tailored to your needs, please contact us using the form below.


Asset condition management involves the monitoring, assessment, and optimisation of assets to maintain and enhance their value and efficiency. It includes regular inspections, preventative maintenance, and strategic planning for replacement or upgrades.

A handback survey is a comprehensive inspection conducted at the end of a PFI contract. It ensures the assets are returned in a condition as stipulated in the contract, taking into account normal wear and tear. It typically involves an evaluation of physical condition, maintenance records, and regulatory compliance.


Our pre-handback surveys are undertaken well in advance of the point that a typical handback survey is undertaken to ensure that there is enough capital in the project to bring the asset up to the required standards.

Performing a pre-handback survey well in advance (like 10 years or within the defect liability period of the construction party) has several key advantages:

Early Identification of Issues: It allows early detection of any issues or deficiencies that may take a considerable time to rectify. This early detection prevents a rush towards the end of the contract and ensures sufficient time for necessary repairs or replacements.

Cost Efficiency: Any major issues identified during the survey can be addressed while still within the defect liability period or while there is capital in the project so that cost for rectifying defects are covered and the public sector is not left with a liability.

Contractual Compliance: The survey ensures Project Co remain compliant with its contractual obligations over the long term. Regular pre-handback surveys serve as checks that maintenance has been performed as agreed and standards are being upheld.

Prevention of Disputes: Early surveys reduce the likelihood of disputes at the end of the contract. The parties can agree on the condition of the assets and required remediation work well ahead of time, preventing last-minute disagreements.

Planning and Budgeting: Early surveys enable more accurate long-term planning and budgeting. Knowing the condition of the assets and anticipating future repair or replacement costs allows for a more realistic budget forecast and smoother financial planning.

In essence, early pre-handback surveys gives the parties more control over the asset’s condition, potential rectification costs, and the handback process, ultimately ensuring a smoother and less stressful end to the contract term.

Effective asset condition management ensures the assets’ value and function are maintained throughout the contract duration. This benefits both parties by preventing unexpected failures or costs, ensuring contractual compliance, and facilitating a smoother handback process.

A handback survey report typically includes an assessment of the asset’s current condition, comparison with contractual requirements, identification of deficiencies, and recommendations for remedial actions. It may also include visual evidence like photographs and maintenance records.

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